The scoundrel in the little town by the woods. A short story.

In a little town by the woods there lived a clever scoundrel. This scoundrel was the most powerful person in the land. The scoundrel used threats of imprisonment, slavery, abuse, and fear to rob all the people of the land of half of everything they owned. Each year in the fourth season, when the leaves on the trees began to flourish and the flowers bloomed, this scoundrel... read more

Women are not “attracted to” money. Women who say they are, are only greedy for money; no more than a greedy man.

Society wants people to think that women are attracted to money and power. That's simply not true. You may be thinking, "yes they are!", and in a way you're right, but I will explain. All humans are attracted to money and power. It's not a sexual thing though. It's more like a "greed thing". Women are not attracted to money and power like they are attracted to... read more

Need money for college? Don’t take out a student loan! Here is what you should do instead, and why

What you should do instead. Update: Before, I had suggested to take out credit cards or personal loans not for school and use them for school. However, you should not do this. Whereas it is better to have credit card debt (or ANY debt) than student loan debt, there is something you should know. If a creditor learns that you used the money for college, it does not... read more

Good People vs Bad People

I used to think that all people were good. I was brainwashed. Now I believe that most or at least many people are inherently good, although some are bad at being good; but some people are truly evil, to their very core. If you aren't made aware if these truly evil people, you will just get taken advantage of and hurt, again and again. Good People Good people... read more