How To Maximize Your Productivity And Decrease Procrastination To Get A Lot More Done

Procrastination is one of the biggest problems for any entrepreneur. It is also a big problem for students, employees, writers, and pretty much anyone who has anything to do. Finding and developing strategies for effectively combating procrastination is one of the most critically important things to do with regards to your productivity in every area of your life. In order... read more

California Has Withdrawn From The United States Union .. Unofficially. The Former Golden State Is No Longer Governed By The U.S. Constitution

Second Amendment? What Second Amendment? There is no more second amendment in California, despite it existing in the United States Constitution. A few months ago, California passed a gun control law that says that law abiding, eligible citizens are no longer eligible to acquire a concealed weapons permit unless they have a "really good reason" for it. They need a... read more

Top 10 Things That Would Happen If California Broke Off And Floated Off Into The Ocean

Please note this only works if all the people in California also get floated away with the state. The whole state will sink in a mire of ignorant bliss. "California has broken off and is in the ocean!" a couple people will observe. "Stop it with the conspiracy theories" others will say as their state literally begins to sink in the middle of the Pacific... read more