The Great Fraud Of Martin Luther King, The Lying, Plagiarizing, Fraudulent, Degenerate, Anti-American Radical Communist Con-Artist

Today is Martin Luther King day, the only holiday explicitly honoring a single American. But who was this man? The truth may be shocking. He was the opposite of a good man, a vile, depraved, anti-American, hateful communist, anti-white bigot who hated white people and America; and all of his speeches, all of his papers, and everything he did was a complete and total... read more

After 10 Years Of Weather Manipulation in California, The Weather Fights Back Ending Drought Forcefully And Causing Widespread Damage

There is no question about it - California's "drought" is an artificial one created by weather manipulation including HAARP experiments and gas sprayed into the atmosphere. However, this week the weather has fought back and forcefully ended the drought, terminating the revenue of the elite who have unethically profited off manipulation of the weather in California over... read more

What is the Difference Between a “Radical” Extremist Muslim and an Extremist Jewish Person? | Muslims vs Zionists

There has been a rise in anti-Semitism, but it has been misplaced. To understand why this is exactly, one must understand the difference between a fanatical, extremist Muslim, and an extremist Jewish person. The fundamental difference is this: an extremist "radical" Muslim is a good, actually, excellent Muslim. Whereas an extremist Jewish person is in fact a very bad... read more

Top 10 Greatest Hoaxes and Conspiracies of All Time That You May Not Have Known Were Hoaxes

Here are ten of the greatest hoaxes of all time. There are certainly more hoaxes, but I had to choose just ten. You might not be ready to believe these hoaxes, but that is OK, you are free to believe whatever you want. If you still believe any of these hoaxes, I encourage you to open your mind and do some research yourself. Hopefully one day you will come to accept... read more