Fake news articles like CNN are a dime a dozen downplaying the historically booming economy since Trump took office 1 year ago. Anti-trump hysteria campaigns are well-funded by the unethical democrats who will do everything they can to discredit him.
Nonetheless, since Trump has taken office, he has done a huge service to America. From the booming economy to tax cuts and draining the swamp, here are many of the achievements Trump has accomplished in his first year in office.
• Unemployment lowest since 2007 (2008 Obama got in office)
• Millions of new jobs created
• Stock market makes history with 84 record highs in 2017 alone
• Consumer confidence increases to record high 151.1, highest in 17 years since 2000
• Bloomberg’s Consumer Comfort Index also record high
• National Association of Manufacturers historical record high 91.4%
• Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) up 50% from entire 8-year Obama avg
• Massive immigration reforms drastically decrease illegal immigration
• Bans from known terrorist countries makes America safer while Europe burns from all the unchecked immigration and no borders
• Best humanly possible attempts at moving forward the “wall” despite constant traitorous defiance from liberal officials
• Obamacare mandatory health insurance finally repealed December 2017, no more penalty for not having health insurance
• Progress on eliminating the “Affordable Care Act” (ACA) aka Obamacare once and for all
• Strengthening American military helping America remain a world power
• Becoming military world power that will be unrivaled for generations
• Mentally ill not allowed in military
Tax Cuts
• “2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” benefits working & middle class, biggest tax cuts in 30 years
• Massive tax cuts for working and middle class
• Doubles earned income tax credit
• Doubles standard deduction
• No more estate tax for farmers
• 35% corporate tax lowered to 21%
• 4 trillion dollars coming back to America
• Dangerous Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) killed, improving global commerce and benefitting the free market & small business
• More than 30 corrupt environmental regulations blocked, including obama’s harmful “Clean Power Plan”; helping business
• Dodd-Frank regulations reduced, easing regulatory strain & stimulating commerce
• many regulations reduced or eliminated
• Bureaucratic red tape and power reduced easing burder of business and commerce
• Diplomacy improved to major countries:
• China relations improved
• Japan relations improved
• Russia relations improved
• United Kingdom relations improved
• Decertified Iran nuclear deal making the entire world safer
• Tough stance on North Korea horror
• Tough stance on Syria – despite controversy, shows world America means business and is not to be messed with, strengthening America’s security
• Humanitarian workers freed in Egypt
• Drain the swamp – communist government traitors resigning and fired, falling like flies
• Lobbying bans help drain the swamp and help prevent corporations from manipulating regulations in pharmaceuticals, construction, energy, and finance industries, among others
• 500 employees fired & 200 suspended from corrupt Veterans Affairs (VA) office
• Hundreds more corrupt government officials fired and replaced in senate, congress, lobbyists, and more
• Jeff Sessions hired new Attorney General
• Hillary Clinton investigation reopened
• Dakota Access Pipeline – one of largest oil reserves in the world, now America can become less dependent on middle east and more self-sufficient as well as increasing jobs and financial security of America
Space Program
• Space program renewed & restored
• Real plans in place to go to mars
• Potential for greater technology from space research as has always happened from progress in space program
• New jobs will be created
• Constant lies, biased fake news, and paid shills & internet trolls made artificially low ratings
• Hillary still not in prison due to America not being a communist country & having due process
• Wall delayed due to unconstitutional defiance by traitorous liberal officials at every turn
Trump is so amazing! I love him so much