Despite low “official” unemployment numbers, most real Americans are unemployed and unable to pay their bills or rent. This is even despite spending 4 to 6 years at a university to get a “degree”. What is it so hard, even impossible for you to find a job? Let’s look at the top 5 sociological reasons which it’s nearly impossible for you to find a job in America even if you have a college degree.
5 There aren't any jobs

The truth is that the real unemployment rate in the United States is somewhere between 50% to 60%, and as a result the handful of decent jobs out there are inundated with applicants. You could probably find a crummy "job" like flipping burgers at McDonalds, but that isn't what you took out $50,000 in student loans for a university-level education to spend your life with grease splattered all over your face. Making $7 per hour at a fast food restaurant which can't even pay your rent, is not "employment", especially when you are highly qualified.
4 You're too honest

The companies have so many applicants that their standards for the job are significantly higher than reason or reality, so much so that the only person they will accept will be someone who lies and tricks the company into believing their are getting a superhuman that in reality can't actually exist or is a 1 in a million who is far too qualified for their position and would never apply there in the first place.
Does this mean you should become a liar and try to manipulate your way into a position? No, because if you aren't already a liar then you aren't gong to become a master liar overnight to be able to beat out the master liars who have been training their whole life as liars and manipulators. All you'll do is get blacklisted from the job and possibly even prosecuted if you gained a job on false pretenses.
3 Companies are racist

This is proven because many white people have begun "declining to state" their race and gender, and this simple change has resulted in far higher calls for interviews. Of course, this still won't get them the job because as soon as the interviewer sees they are white, they will not hire them because they have "diversity quotas" to fill, which simply means they are forced by the government to hire less-qualified non-whites instead of high-qualified whites. Any time you see "we are EEO" on a job, if you are white, you will have a very hard time getting that job (unless you are in some "minority" class like lbgt or transgender).
2 Companies are discriminatory against males

1 A foreigner beat you out of the job you deserve

They really are taking our jobs - not just low skilled labor, but also high skilled, college-educated positions. See these charts below.
Immigrant Share (%) of Employed College-Educated Workers by Occupational Group, 2014

College-Educated Foreign-Born Adult In Workforce (United States) by Race and Ethnicity, 2014

Share of Computer-Related Workers Among All Approved H-1B Petitions, 2004 - 2014

Charts source:
When you apply for that high-paid job, the only way you will get it, especially if you are a white male, is that you are a weak-minded, pathetic, feminine, pacified, conformist, and there are no qualified or unqualified non-whites, foreigners, gays or transgenders, or women applying to the same job. The likelihood of this is extremely low, so that is why most white Americans, especially white male Americans, cannot find a job.
If you get a decent normal job in America paying over $30,000 per year, as a normal white male, you are in one of the 1% of all white Americans who have such an opportunity. The rest of the white males in the U.S. – especially conservatives, which make up the vast majority – are stuck unemployed, with only a handful even able to get a job at a fast food restaurant, even with a graduate degree.
Is finding a job in America hopeless?
So, what can you do? Well, you can’t change the country overnight, especially if you have no money and actually need a job. Only the rich can make a difference in domestic policy. Therefore, the only thing you can do is keep trying to find a job, but in the meantime get out of the mindset of the 9-5 employee and begin thinking like an entrepreneur.
Millions of Americans have given up on the job search after being repeatedly turned down for the perfect jobs which they are highly qualified for, and instead started their own business. Just watch out – NEVER pay for a “work at home” program, they are all scams. Starting your own business is as simple as coming up with a product or service, and finding people to buy it. That’s all folks! Just have a product or service and sell it, and that is how you work at home.
It is no longer reasonable for an American, especially white male American, to depend on a traditional job for their future. Even if you get a job, there is no telling how long it will last. More than likely, you will get fired without cause and your job will be given to a non-white or a non-American foreigner. Therefore, the only job security you can possibly have in America today is self-employment. If you have the skill to come up with a product or service and create a business, then you can always be confident you will always have a job and be able to pay the bills, even if it isn’t as consistent as a biweekly paycheck.
Hi, this dilemma is even worst for more mature males in the workforce. I would like to connect with males that are unemployed all ages and races to brainstorm and come up with a social enterprise business. That would not only help us but the planet and employ others without all the restriction placed on talent. Please reply back to me some way on contacting the unemployed for this venture. I look forward to hearing back from you very soon.