Why Are Women Traditionally The Ones Who Cook and Men Traditionally The Ones Who Work?

Since feminism has broken society and made it so that many women especially in the western world do know even know how to cook and often have a full time job, many people might be wondering why in fact men traditionally are the workers and women are traditionally the ones who cook. If you think about it, it will all make sense once I point out some fundamental aspects... read more

The Strong vs The Weak As Defined In A Nutshell By Various Political and Social Ideologies

This is a comparison and social commentary, a brief description of the various political and social ideologies as defined within the perspective of the strong versus the weak. You may agree or you may find this highly controversial. This is yours to decide. This commentary may also help you understand and discern between the different ideologies. I have studied these... read more

Good People vs Bad People

I used to think that all people were good. I was brainwashed. Now I believe that most or at least many people are inherently good, although some are bad at being good; but some people are truly evil, to their very core. If you aren't made aware if these truly evil people, you will just get taken advantage of and hurt, again and again. Good People Good people... read more