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Need money for college? Don’t take out a student loan! Here is what you should do instead, and why

What you should do instead. Update: Before, I had suggested to take out credit cards or personal loans not for school and use them for school. However, you should not do this. Whereas it is better to have credit card debt (or ANY debt) than student loan debt, there is something you should know. If a creditor learns that you used the money for college, it does not... read more

Good People vs Bad People

I used to think that all people were good. I was brainwashed. Now I believe that most or at least many people are inherently good, although some are bad at being good; but some people are truly evil, to their very core. If you aren't made aware if these truly evil people, you will just get taken advantage of and hurt, again and again. Good People Good people... read more

Why do we get angry at customer service?

I speculate that the majority of time we are angry at customer service people is largely due to believing we understand the whole picture, resulting in feeling a sense of entitlement; when in reality we simply do not see the whole picture. This is evidenced by the calming effect that results which abates a person's anger at customer service, once that person is given an... read more

Best Places To Meet Women

Best Places To Meet Women You might be wondering, "where can I meet women?" There are a lot of places! Here are some of the best places you can meet women so you don't have to stay single! Friends Of Friends - the place that most people meet their spouses is within existing social circles. So get out there and make some more plutonic friends! It may lead to... read more

The online dating world and women with fake profiles | Part 2

Okay, so it has been a couple of weeks since I started online dating. I have been becoming discouraged. Not because of lack of interest, mind you. I am becoming reluctant to even want to meet with any girls, because I have yet to meet a single girl who looked anything like their online profile. So far I have met three girls. I have 5 others who wanted to meet, but I'll... read more

Worst Places To Meet Women

Worst Places To Meet Women You might be wondering, "where can I meet women?" There are a lot of places! But not every place is a good place to meet women. Here are some of the worst places to meet women. Online Dating Sites - See my other posts to see why. At Work - There's a reason most offices have a no fraternization policy. One of the many reasons, is that... read more

No one likes a miserable person – so what do you do when you’re miserable?

I have moved to a new city and state twice. It's not easy living in a completely new city and state where you don't know anyone. You have to learn new social dynamics, and it takes time to develop new social circles, and even longer to develop new friendships. So for me, I was not very happy for the first while upon moving to the new places. However, no one likes to be... read more

The online dating world and women with fake profiles

I started trying out online dating again after another year+ break from it. I have to admit I've been more successful so far then in past times. Perhaps because I have learned over time how to make a better profile. Although I've only been doing it for a couple of days so far. Hot or not has me on the "Local Hottest" list and my score hovers around 7, so that's pretty... read more

The ruthless cycle of female expectations and male deception

A guy who always says all the right things is just a guy who had learned to lie and manipulate really well in all situations. A guy who says the wrong things is either: 1) if he also has low social skills, low in emotional intelligence; or, 2) if he is very sociable, is most likely a rare person who values honesty over manipulation and had the perseverance to endure a... read more